Monday 13 October 2014

How to Detect any Water Leaking

Almost every time, every drop of water supplied to your home is ‘metered’ for billing purposes. Thus, the leakage in your water supply can burn a tremendous hole in your pocket too.  To avoid getting shocked by the amount of the bill your local utility service charges you for water supply, try out these little simple yet effective ways to detect water leakage in the pipes running to your house. In case you have taken note of the leaks, there are few methods you can adopt to handle an emergency situation before the arrival of your plumber. The faster leaks are detected, the lesser you lose.

 Start by checking the pressure valves pertaining to the water tanks. Sometimes they are directly connected to your drain, and thus, the leakage may have started long before it grabbed your attention. The most prominent layman ways of leak detection are looking for whoosh and hiss sounds. They interrupt the ordinary gurgling sound of the water running through the pipes and persist till the leak has been dealt with. Listening for leakage sounds is also the only option when you are unable to reach for the drain pipe. Check the toilet for leaks by loosening the tap and listening for unusual leakage sounds. If you hear any, try and locate it, trace the sounds to the pipe or drain where the leak may be possibly occurring. Even if you choose to call a plumber, doing this step assessing the leakage area greatly solves the problem and reduces time wastage too. You can add some food coloring on the main tank. If the coloring seeps into the toilet bowl, you know the leakage area is near the bottom of the tank, probably at the flap or valve that allows passage of water to the pipes. At this point, you can either do the repair yourself or call your local plumber. Follow this simple step for other toilets, if you own more than one.

Generally, there are meters in every house to indicate daily water supply, if nothing else works, you check the water supply lines. Shut off the valve of the pipe ushering to your home and check for fluctuations on the meter dial. Sometimes pipe valves clogged by dirt and grit may prevent successful shut off. In such a case, you should put on a pair of gloves to remove such coverings. After that is done, turn off the valve again. If the problem lies in the pipes supplying to your home, then the meter will still be running. You cannot rule out the chances of a leaky valve though, especially when your valves are most likely to be rusted or damaged and haven’t been replaced for years.

If you are still not ready to call your plumber, examine the area underneath the valve and check for leakage sounds. Subtle signs such as more algae growth are obvious of water damage. At this point, you can call your plumber.
What is really in hand, at most is water leak detection. Sometimes both assessing the leakage problem as well as repairing need the expertise of a plumber like Detect A Leak.
For more information, visit

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Employ Specialist Water Leak Detection Services To Trace The Source Of The Leak

It won’t be out of context to say that taking help of specialist water leak detection services is the sure shot way of detecting the source of leak. Remember – detecting this source can be a risky affair which is why you ought to avail services of these professional agencies. It has been seen water pipes are usually buried deep within solid floors, within cavities and under floorboards. In this situation, getting an access to the water pipes is not feasible without any major excavation.

This is where the water leak detection services offered by the specialists can be of great help. For, they have several years of practical experience and exposure to their credit. This is one reason why they are capable of employing different methods for detecting the said leakage. For instance, wherever applicable and possible, they do go about utilizing the dig and drill method. They do so mainly because this traditional method is well known for costing you less when compared to other modern procedures.

In order to make the process of detection much easier and smooth, the agencies engaged with water leak detection services employ digital devices to detect all possible signs of leakage. The speciality of their service is – water meted is added to one end of the said external points. The meter in turn is capable of determining the exact location of the leakage due to the water pressure.

In some cases, these agencies go about using innovative approach to produce excellent outcomes. For instance, they do employ infrared technology where an infrared imaging camera is used for taking close pictures of the pipes. After the photos have been taken, they put to use an image analysing device for analysing the pipes from different angles. Because they take such sustained measures, the detection of the leak becomes lot easier and quick.

It is a well-known fact that a water leak can make the walls or ceilings very damp. Therefore, an early detection of the water leak is the only way of avoiding any major disruption or secondary damage in your building’s structure and its contents. Because these agencies have the perfect know-how of the detection process, finding the hidden water leak becomes lot easier. in order to achieve such objectives, they adopt all the rightful strategies and steps. For instance, they do go about turning off the mainly supply of water so that the flow of water can be stopped. Thereafter, they make sure to clean all existing puddles of water using large buckets.

 Due to such extensive know-how about the steps involved in detecting the water leak, agencies like Detect a Leak have earned an all-round appreciation and goodwill. Remember – because they use these large buckets, this in turn goes a long way in reducing risk of any in-house flooding thereby preventing further damages. They even make sure to open windows and doors of the building for proper ventilation. This in turn helps in controlling the humidity as well as reducing any secondary damage.
Taking assistance of such agencies also makes sense as they have great insurance policy mechanism in place.  Therefore, if any mishap takes place during the leak detection process, the insurance provider in question will compensate you appropriately.

Sunday 17 August 2014

How Leak Detection Service Saves Oodles

Water leakage and the damages from it might not be a tad too evident at the initial stage, but with time, things take a rather bad shape. For that matter, the effects aren’t even that adverse initially, but if not detected and fixed on time, it can lead to irreversible damages that will be most difficult to get rid of. Now, you can always detect these pesky leaks on your own using simple guidelines. Nonetheless, if precision of service and accuracy in detection is what you are looking at, then the single best option is to resort to the services provided by professional leak detection experts, who have a good reputation in the field to provide ace services. Experts have said it time and again that only if detected on time, damages can be moderately fixed. If delayed things will get out of hand and might affect your home for the worse. This post will focus on the importance of leak detection and how experts help you in doing so.

Problems of leaks and hence the importance of early leak detection:
  •  First, water contamination is the biggest problem caused by leakage in your pipe. There are high chances that if a leak develops in your pipe, it will make it prone to mould development that further attracts bacteria, virus, parasites and leads to contamination of water. If you don’t detect the leak on time, you keep on drinking and using this water that is beyond unhealthy. Hence, if you find any defects whatsoever about your hosepipe, without delaying a moment contact a leak detection expert like Detect A Leak.
  •  Secondly, water leakage can lead to damping the walls that might cost you in thousands if you want to rectify later. Not only the wall, but your expensive tiles can also get heavily damaged, which will turn out to be an expensive mistake for you. So without delay get in touch with the experts. 
  • Thirdly, you might not be aware of it, but a leakage will lead to a huge loss of water, which is something no one wants particularly. Leak detection experts detect the damage fast and make sure that the least amount of water is lost due to leakage. 
  • Last but not the least; water leakage may cause accidents as well, which can turn out to be a lot more expensive than damages to your home. In order to steer clear of such problem, contacting a professional is extremely important.
 Thus, if you detect any problem in the water circulation system in your home, it might be the resultant of a leakage in your pipes. The single best way here is to go online and look for good leak detection experts who can cater to the job easily. Besides that, you can negotiate with them for a routine checkup, within a fixed period like every 4 months so that no unwanted damages occur in your piping system. Prevention is always a better option than cure. Thus make sure your pipes are in good condition than later paying heavily for leakage.